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Sclerotherapy Treatment

What are spider and varicose veins?
Spider veins, or telangiectasias, are those tiny purple and red blood vessels found most commonly on the thighs or lower legs of women. They are hereditary and can form anywhere on the leg, from the top of the thigh to the ankle. Occasionally, spider veins appear on the face.
Varicose veins are larger. They can appear raised with a bluish color and can become quite painful. Although spider veins and varicose veins carry blood, they are not part of the venous valve system. Your spider and varicose veins can be reduced significantly through a simple office treatment called sclerotherapy.
What is sclerotherapy?
The sclerotherapy treatment was developed in the 1920’s. During the treatment, a sclerosing solution is injected into the vein through a micro-needle. The tiny needle generally causes very little pain. The sclerosing solution causes the vein to blanch (turn white), then gradually disappear.
Will sclerotherapy work on my veins?
Prior to treatment, we will review your complete medical history to determine how long you have had a problem with your veins and the severity of the problem. We need to know if the problem is exacerbated by physical activity and if there has been any prior surgery or treatment on your veins.
What are the treatments like?
First, we thoroughly cleanse the area to be treated. Using a tiny syringe fitted with a micro-needle, Dr. Bair will inject a small amount of sclerosing agent into the vein. Sclerosing solution displaces the blood within the vein. It then causes irritation to the lining of the vein, making it swell shut. The treated veins gradually disappear. Most Sclerotherapy clients report little if any discomfort. A few may experience a mild burning sensation when Dr. Bair injects the solution, but it stops in a few seconds.
How many treatments will I need?
Usually more than one treatment is required. In most cases, about fifty to seventy percent of the treated vessels will be gone for good; however, new veins may appear, and additional treatments are generally required for optimum results. These treatments may be in six to eight week intervals.
What is recovery like?
You might be asked to wear special heavy-duty stockings to help keep pressure on the veins. This will reduce bruising and help keep the treated veins closed. Bruises around the treated areas usually disappear after the first week. Clients are generally encouraged to take it easy for the rest of the day. We do ask that you refrain from vigorous activities for the first twenty-four hours. Walking is encouraged because it increases blood flow through the other veins. Although your final results may not be apparent for several months, most clients experience a sixty to eighty percent improvement.
To find out if you are a candidate for sclerotherapy, please contact our office to schedule a complimentary consultation.
Note: Each Sclerotherapy Treatment requires the additional cost of at least one ASCLERA® 1% – 2 mL vial.
Sclerotherapy Treatment: $305
- ASCLERA® 1% – 2 mL: $25
Below, Dr. Bair, medical director of Bair Medical Spa, discusses spider & varicose vein treatments on New Mexico Style: