In The News

President of Bair Medical Spa is Featured in Albuquerque The Magazine
Kristie Bair, president of Bair Medical Spa, was featured as an expert in the "Fun: 'Til You Drop Section" of Albuquerque The Magazine in an article entitled, "Look Good, Feel Good: Tips to Be a Better You...".
From the Article:
"Q: 'I'm looking for less invasive ways to combat aging. How do laser facials work?'
A: 'In the past, women and men who wanted to combat the signs of aging on their face had very few options. There were various types of surgical facelifts like an upper, lower, or a blepharoplasty, which raised the eyelids. All these were invasive and involved a long recovery period. Now we have energy devices, often lumped together in the category of lasers. In reality, these devices use light, radiofrequency, and ultrasound as their energy source. However, the principle behind all of them is the same – to heat the skin and underlying collagen and elastin and cause new tissue growth. When tissue is heated, the body thinks it has been damaged and sends signals to re-grow new tissue to heal the injured site. This is much the same as getting a scratch on your skin. The body sends a message that there is an injury and new skin cells begin to grow rapidly. Heating the skin and underlying tissue cause new growth and the result is skin that doesn't just look younger and refreshed; it actually has new skin cells. The same is true with the supporting structures of collagen and elastin. This results in tightening and rejuvenation. Yes, laser facials or laser skin rejuvenation work whether you're looking to reverse signs of aging, improve skin texture, or reduce signs of damage.'
Kristie Bair, president
Bair Medical Spa
8810 Holly Ave. NE Suite F